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Soccer Club of New Milford Connecticut

Soccer Club of New Milford Connecticut

August 2024 Minutes


August 6, 2024

Present: James, Nelson, Melissa B., Leah, David B., Jason, Melissa M., Vicki, Ian, Eileen


  1. Approve May minutes-Eileen, second-Vicki.  All in favor
  1. Girls Coordinator Vote-Vicki nominates David B., Eileen seconds.  All in favor
  1. Coordinator Reports-DOC no longer filled-discontinued, Ian-take Carlos off an add David B. as list of contacts.  Make sure Jason is there, too.

Referees- some U15 boys going for their license


Boys Coordinator-

U9-2 teams with 4 coaches

U10-2 teams with 1 coach

U11-2 teams with 2 coaches

U12-3 teams with 4-5 coaches

U13-2 teams with no coach

U15-1 teams with 3 coaches


120 boys registered, 92 kids minus CT Select, 30-31 kids in the shopping cart


CT Select not part of SCNM, it’s through Mateos.  Exclude those kid in the club.


In House- 20 players, need a In House coordinator


Girls Coordinator-

Not enough U9 (5 girls) bump them to U10

U10- 2 teams with 2 coaches

U11-1 team with same coaches

U12-1 team with 2 coaches that need to combine

U13-1 team with 3 coaches

U15-1 team with 2 coaches but will have to combine some U13 girls






Paid David, Taylor, James, Steve and Vicki

Need to pay insurance and team fees



Tasty Waves-waiting for a check

All Aboard was good but Popcorn only brought $17


Need to put signs up from the shed to advertise In-House


HarryBrooke Park Trail-volunteer to raise money for club-would need a theme and volunteers each weekend



Cutting back HS turf field-Tuesdays and Saturdays only?

Pay April, next month pay May






24 teams down to 16 teams


In House-Need to have all Board members rotate Saturdays-we’ll set up a separate meeting to coordinate it.


  • Scheduled meeting August 21
  • Practices start 8/26
  • District coaches meeting 8/28


MVP-Buy a table


Field Set up-Do we want to still use JPS or just use SNIS?


Website-meeting min posted


Uniforms- no complaints, 14 new uniforms, Capelli updated their site to our benefit 


CT Cup-any teams want to do it? U13 girls and U15 boys


In House-set up another meeting for that



  • made $260 for Store, will set it up now
  • recycling bottles?


Champions: U15 Arsenal, U11 Tsunami (B) and U13 Timbers and U12 girls awarded the win vs NF when game called at half due to the weather.  Decision reversed and 3rd place team won division


Fined: $150 and $500 for not getting the game in and another $150 for parents at U15 Arsenal game


Coaches need to update safe sport and register as coaches 




Soccer Club of New Milford
PO Box 1648 
New Milford, Connecticut 06776

Email: [email protected]

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